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Wateristic features a unique collaboration of three-dimensional nature sounds and music. Markus Pesonen blends original field-recordings with instruments and electronics to create an immersive journey through the kaleidoscopic qualities of water. Markus spent three years recording and developing the material live throughout Europe in the quest for the perfect balance of ingredients.

Markus Pesonen - guitars, gongs, cymbals, monochord, waterphone, water, field recordings, electronics and voice.

(...) spreading out of the loudspeakers wider that the sound sources into a tremendous three-dimensional experience. The album is meditatively peaceful in essence, despite thunderous contrasts.
— Matti Komulainen, Turun Sanomat

CD and Digital Download


The album is available as a CD (worldwide shipping) and digital download in 24-bit (569 MB) and 16-bit (379 MB) versions.

The 24-bit version is higher resolution but also larger file size. Purchasing the digital download gives you access to both versions.

Wateristic may question the eternal question: what music is first of all? And, as the answer to the age-old knows to say, its job is to create emotional feelings, reflect questions that are touching us, and sometimes only produce beauty.
— Mika Roth, Desibeli

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Markus Pesonen is a composer, musician, multimedia artist and creative entrepreneur. He is creating sonic experiences in various contexts, investigating the impact of sound in people and the environment as well as teaching from his discoveries. He composes and creates with several music groups and works together with dance, theatre, performance art and film. Collaboration with health and social care professionals has led Markus to develop Sound Journeys that use his field recordings from nature together with original music to create immersive soundscapes with educational and therapeutic potential.

“The end result of the visionary approach of Pesonen’ skillful arrangements is curious and shows a rich musical kaleidoscope which ripples down to small ingenious details.”
— Hannu Lehtonen, Kauppalehti (Finnish Business Magazine)

Markus has performed and exhibited Europe, Americas and Asia in festivals and venues like: Royal Albert Hall, Museo de Arte Moderno Mexico City, Taipei Arts Festival, Banlieues Bleues, Gateshead International Jazz Festival, WeJazz Festival, Kaivos Festival, 3D Poesi Festival Akademie der Künste, New Directions Festival, Kulturhuset Stockholm, Victoria Nasjonal Jazzscene, Copenhagen Jazz Festival, Jazz Festival Willisau, Exploratorium Berlin, Radial System and Schaubühne.



These audio recordings can be used to train the resilience of the nervous system by reducing the brain's filtering effect and touching the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep. They can be used to accomplish a wide range of goals. While your awareness is in an expansive state, it becomes easier to let go of mind chatter, access intuition, manifest healing or find creative inspiration and spiritual guidance. 

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The Somatic Sound Journeys have been tested live with 1000+ participants all over Europe. The participants of the events have reported: 

  • creative inspiration

  • reduced stress and anxiety

  • an enhanced sense of presence

  • a profound sense of timelessness

  • greater awareness of the body and Self

  • perception beyond the five physical senses


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As innovators in the emerging fields of somatic sound education, Markus Pesonen and Catarina Brazão empower others in their journeys of self-discovery. Through the Somatic Sound Journeys events and the Acoustic Body approach, they teach how to listen and trust our own inner guidance, express our uniqueness, improve wellness and develop a closer relationship with the natural world.  

The Somatic Sound Journeys were initially inspired by the shared passion for exploring the impact of sound in the body and expanded states of consciousness. By blending nature sounds and music layering with immersive sound recording technology, the sound journeys deliver frequency patterns that support profound states of expanded awareness.


When to listen 

Listen to the somatic sound journeys when you want to relax and enjoy a lush soundscape, clear your mind and enter a space of ambient textures, get your creative juices flowing, engage your intuition to help solve problems and even for personal development work by being curious about the body sensations and emotions that the soundtrack elicits on you. 

It’s important not to listen to the somatic sound journeys when you need to do something that requires your full attention like driving. Avoid any tasks that are mentally demanding because the meditative state is not conducive to quick, critical and action-oriented thinking.


How to prepare

Before starting the listening session, just close your eyes for a moment and check-in with yourself: How is your breathing? Which body sensations are you aware of? Are you experiencing any emotions? Or are you busy with any thoughts? Maybe you would like to take notes in your journal and set yourself free for the listening session. Here is a simple breathing exercise to help you tune-in: Close your eyes softly. Begin by taking a few slow and deep breaths. Don’t force your breathing; let it come naturally. Breathe this way as long as you need to feel more embodied. 

Listening recommendations 

  • Eliminate Distractions: Find a comfortable place free of distractions. Turn off the phone and close your eyes or consider using a blindfold when listening.

  • Use Headphones or good sound systems: Over-the-ear headphones, those that completely cover the ear, help to eliminate ambient sound and are most comfortable.

  • Volume: Find what works for you. The idea is that you feel immersed in the sound experience.

  • Body Position: Lying down, or a reclined position, allows for greatest body relaxation. But please consider to listen the Somatic Sound Journey also in a sitting and moving position. Our hearing is affected by the position of our ears.


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All compositions by Markus Pesonen.
All sound except whales and dolphins recorded by Markus Pesonen.
Mixed by Markus Pesonen. Mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studios, Finland

Cover photography by Christian Schnalzger.
Listening instructions by Catarina Brazão

℗ + © Humming Sun Records 2018                                    
